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Nice South African sundew.
Nice South African sundew.
One of the easiest species. Classic form.
White or pink flowered from locality in Eglin Air ...
Rare species - only few plants in stock. From Tuku...
From locality Appalachicola area, Florida, USA
From locality Appalachicola area, Florida, USA
Adult plants. From locality Itacambira in Brazil
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Products Quantity: 28
CARNIVOROUS PLANTS - Waterwheel plant - Aldrovanda | Carnivorous Bromeliads - Brocchinia | Venus flytrap - Dionaea |
Pitcher plants - Cephalotus, Darlingtonia, Nepenthes, Sarracenia | Butterwort - Pinguicula | Sundew - Drosera | Bladderwort - Utricularia | Corkscrew plants - Genlisea | Sun pitcher - Heliamphora | Roridula | Byblis
AIR PLANTS - Tillandsia
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