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Nepenthes (ampullaria x mirabilis / 'Viking') x dubia | 10 - 15 cm

Nepenthes (ampullaria x mirabilis / 'Viking') x dubia | 6 - 10 cm
Nepenthes (ampullaria x mirabilis) x dubia | 6 - 10 cm
Nepenthes (ampullaria x mirabilis) x dubia | 6 - 10 cm
Nepenthes (ampullaria x mirabilis) x dubia | 6 - 10 cm
29.99 € (32.64 $)
available (2 pc)
catalogue number: be3694m
price:29.99 € (32.64 $)
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This is a highly vigorous cross with a distinctive pitcher shape and is tolerant of a wide range of temperatures. Correctly, it has the scientific name N. (ampullaria x mirabilis) x dubia. The N. mirabilis component is the exceptionally beautiful Thai version of the species, commonly known in cultivation as N. ‘Viking’. The N. ampullaria component is a Brunei red form.

Origin: Horticultural, bred by Borneo Exotics from specimen parent plants.

Source: A random selection from a large number of different clones out of microprop.

Climate: intermediate

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