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Nepenthes (aristolochioides x spectabilis) x klossii | 6 - 10 cm

Nepenthes (aristolochioides x spectabilis) x klossii | 6 - 10 cm
Nepenthes (aristolochioides x spectabilis) x klossii | 6 - 10 cm
Nepenthes (aristolochioides x spectabilis) x klossii | 6 - 10 cm
Nepenthes (aristolochioides x spectabilis) x klossii | 6 - 10 cm
Nepenthes (aristolochioides x spectabilis) x klossii | 6 - 10 cm
24.99 € (27.19 $)
available (7 pc)
catalogue number: be4583
price:24.99 € (27.19 $)
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New for May 2023!

This is probably our most beautiful cross with N. klossii so far. The obtuse peristomes of N. klossii and N. aristolochioides are clearly evident and the dynamic patterning of the pitchers is a legacy of the influence of our carefully selected N. spectabilis.

The third photo shows another clone with slightly different form and the last photo is a tray of juvenile plants, which shows how pretty they are, even when small.

History: First introduced in May 2023.

Source: Random selection from a large number of different clones out of microprop.

Photo notes: The photos shown here are representative and might not be identical to plants shipped.

Climate: Highland

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